Cernan Space Center Special Events

Partial Solar Eclipse Watch

Cernan Eclipse Day Event Schedule

从芝加哥看到,在最大日食时,只有93%的太阳圆盘会被月球遮挡. 访问我们的日食资源页面获取视频和详细地图,了解为什么我们希望每个人都能在全食的路径上看到100%的日食.

TOTALITY is just a couple hours drive away: Cleveland, Indianapolis, and Carbondale, 但据预测,德克萨斯州最有可能出现晴朗的天空. 此外,2024年将是2045年之前最后一次席卷美国的日全食.

But, isn't a 93% partial solar eclipse good enough?

Absolutely not! 看日偏食和看日全食的区别就像看烧烤的图片和闻和品尝大师的艺术杰作的区别一样. mmmmmmmm. BBQ.

If you can't make it to totality, 德国地球和空间中心将举办日食观测,以安全的太阳观测为特色, ECLIPSE: the Sun Revealed in the Planetarium, Dark Side of the Moon Cosmic Light Shows, and other activities.

Now we just need clear skies.

International Observe the Moon Night
Come Look Through Telescopes for FREE at a Star Party
Saturday, September 14, 2024, from 8 to 10 p.m.


Come Look Through Telescopes for FREE at a Star Party
Saturday, November 16, 2024, from 6:30 to 10 p.m.



Birds Domecast

Birds: It's Not About What But Where
Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 7 – 8PM

Triton学院德国地球与空间中心将进行直播 Birds: It’s Not About What But Where, on Wednesday, March 8, from 7-8 p.m. Admission is FREE and registration is not required.

The Cernan Earth and Space Center is excited to domestream Birds: It’s Not About What But Where, a lecture presented by the William M. Staerkel Planetarium at Parkland College in Champaign, Ill. The lecture will examine birdwatching in central Illinois, with commentary from Jeff Bryant, a mathematician for WolframAlpha. 布莱恩特是一个狂热的裸体主义者,观鸟者和鸟类摄影师.

科比将在伊利诺伊州尚佩恩附近的公园、池塘、河流和鸟类保护区进行重点宣传., as well as his bird photographs.

这个国内节目将利用天文馆的沉浸式环境,因为演示飞行到不同的观鸟地点. 作为展示的一部分,观众可以向科比提问.

“This is our second time working with Parkland College,” said Wayne Foster, one of the Cernan Center’s Planetarium Educators. “这是两个机构为了共同的自然利益而进行的一次伟大合作, wildlife and birds.”

特里顿学院德国地球和空间中心的工作时间是周一至周四上午9:30.m.-5 p.m.; Friday, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; and Saturday, 6:30-9:30 p.m. The Cernan Center is closed on Sundays.

For more information, contact or visit 

Total Lunar Eclipse

Date: Sunday, May 15, 2022
Time: 8PM - 11PM
Location: Cernan Earth and Space Center (I Building)
Admission: FREE for Lunar Eclipse ($5 for Cosmic Light Show)

Click HERE for Information Flyer


当你不在望远镜前的时候,你可能想要带一把椅子或毯子舒服地坐在观察区. Bring along your own binoculars to follow the action when not at a telescope. 芝加哥天文学会和斯科基谷天文学家为每个人提供了观测日食的望远镜. 一定要感谢他们的成员拿出他们的瞄准镜. 

What is the address for  the Cernan Earth and Space Center?
The address for Triton College is 2000 5th Ave., River Grove. The best address to put in your GPS is 1736-1790 5th Ave., River Grove. 航天中心是由一个巨大的圆形砖圆柱体组成的建筑,隐藏着天文馆,前面是阿波罗太空舱和耐克火箭. 最近的入口是位于海明威红绿灯和第五大道和河路交叉口之间的红绿灯. 在航天中心北边的6号停车场有很多免费停车位. Click HERE 查看详细的地图和前往德国地球与空间中心的路线. 

What is the youngest age recommended for the eclipse event?

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An Evening of Hospitality and Habitat

Hospitality and Habitat

在参加之前,来享受美味的用餐体验 Habitat Earth: Living in a Connected World in the Cernan Earth and Space Center Planetarium on Saturday, April 9, 2022.

您的机票包括一份由Triton学院酒店和烹饪学生准备的菜单 PLUS admission to the 7PM presentation of Habitat Earth: Living in a Connected World in the Planetarium.

Reception before the Planetarium Program: 5:30-6:45PM

The menu will consist of:

  • Hot Station
    • Wild Mushroom & Truffle Pasta
    • Rosemary and Lemon Grilled Chicken
    • Pizza Margherita
  • Cold Station
    • Sushi Station
    • Ceviche and Plantain Chips
    • Devilled Eggs
    • Brie Toast
  • Dessert
    • Chocolate Dirt Cup
  • Drinks
    • Butterfly Pea Tea Lemonade
    • Water

Experience Habitat Earth: Living in a Connected World in the Planetarium: 7-8 pm

Dive below the ocean’s surface, 在森林地面下旅行,到新的高度探索食物网, 入侵物种和人类与生态网络之间错综复杂的交集. 

Click HERE to see a preview of Habitat Earth: Living in a Connected World . 


After the show, grab a snack to go: 8PM

Tickets are just

$15 for everyone 13 and over
$10 for youth 6-10 years old
FREE for children 5 and under

IMPORTANT NOTE: Tickets must be purchased with CASH ONLY at the event. 请随身携带现金,因为航天中心没有自动取款机.


  1. MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW. We may not be able to accept any walk-ins. Click HERE to make your reservation now using the online form.
  2. IMPORTANT NOTE: Tickets must be purchased with CASH ONLY. 请随身携带现金,因为航天中心没有自动取款机.
  3. 门票可以在Triton学院校园内的德国地球和空间中心办公室(I-116号楼)购买 9:30 am and 4:30 pm. We recommend calling 708-456-0300 x 3372 in advance so we know to expect you. 一天中有一小段时间办公室可能没有员工.
  4. 门票也可以在活动当晚的门口购买, but it does help planning if you can pay in advance.
  5. A SECOND REMINDER: Tickets must be purchased with CASH ONLY at the Space Center office or the door. 请随身携带现金,因为航天中心没有自动取款机.

有关本次特别接待的问题,请联系 Manny Uribe at

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BIRDS in the Planetarium for Birders and Nature Lovers!

Birds Domecast

Birds: It's Not About What But Where
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 7 – 8PM

Birds inhabit nearly every ecosystem on Earth. 除了城市地区和香槟-厄巴纳的玉米地, various habitats can be found if you know where to look. Jeff Bryant (Wolfram Alpha LLC)将为我们介绍伊利诺斯州中东部的一些不同环境.

使用Digistar 6天文馆软件创建和播放的内容.

Remote domecast 在伊利诺斯州格罗夫河特里顿学院的德国地球和空间中心. Admission is FREE.

Presented LIVE 在伊利诺伊州尚佩恩市帕克兰学院的斯塔克尔天文馆. $2 per person at the door.

Have questions? Email or call 708-456-0300 x 3372.

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